Friday, May 18, 2012

Some handy tips

Great tips here Highlights:
I'm sure you've heard the complaint... "We can use skills even if we aren't in range and there's no way of knowing if we're out of range!" But I learned that's wrong. I actually thought this too, and thought they should make the skills turn red or have a red bar over them when out of range, that is... until I discovered that they already do. It's the number. If you're in range, the skill number is white, if you're out of range it's red. Here's a visual example, watch skill #4 and F1, F2, F3:

Next... "The towns are too freakin' huge! I get completely lost, and having to run all over the place is a major pain in the butt!" Indeed it was, until I discovered I could use waypoints in town at no charge. Hit M to pull up your map. There are 3 levels. Above ground, ground level, and under ground. You can click each of the levels to show a different map. Wherever you need to go, just find a waypoint near there and use that to fast travel to that location rather than getting lost or running all over the place trying to find it. This proves very very useful...
"Having to hit F and click each item individually to loot them is so annoying! They need some kind of auto loot." There is an auto-loot system actually - it's in Options. You still have to hit F, but it'll automatically pick up everything for you so you don't have to click each individual thing. It can still be somewhat annoying if there's an NPC near you since there is no dedicated loot button and you'll tend to "interact" with the NPC a lot by mistake, but it's worlds easier than clicking each item individually.

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